Team communication is the basis effective team collaboration. Research shows that collective team communication warrants special attention. We differentiate the following communication areas:
Team spirit requires special attention. They are tightly connected to team communication and lead to important team outcomes. Assessing the level of your teams relationships will help you to appropriately address them. We differentiate two areas:
Availability encompasses a shared understanding of the team’s working practices, as well as knowledge about individual team member’s availability. It is important and useful to see how your team perceives working practices and when/how they can contact each other. Therefore, we differentiate availability into those two areas:
As a part of your team’s results, you will not only see the value your team achieved but also its comparison with other teams. Each graph will have five benchmark zones to help you navigate your comparison.
For example, the “very high” zone represents the top 5% benchmark scores: if your score is in this zone you belong to the top 5% teams.
Our recommendations are based on current scientific research and are formulated in a way that is easy to understand.
We also include practical examples that will help you to transfer the scientific insights in your team’s everyday life.
Here you can see an example from a team’s teamorama feedback. Along with the team’s score and its comparison with other teams, we will provide you with specific recommendations based current scientific research.
Focused communication refers to the extent to which communication regarding tasks, time or responsibilities of team members, is timely, accurate and results oriented. when focused communication cannot be taken for granted, it creates a major challenge for team communication.
Focused communication, together with knowledge sharing and spontaneous communication, can result in beneficial outcomes for your team and organization, especially when work is highly interdependent, uncertain and time constrained.
Make sure information and knowledge is exchanged in time.
Make sure communication is precise and exact, especially if face-to-face contact is rare in your team or If team members depend on each other for execution of their tasks;
Communicate result oriented.
Make sure information has been understood accurately by all team members;
Foster mutual respect between the team members.