You can compare your team’s score in team communication and team relationships to an average overall team score* as well as zones
divided into bottom 5%, bottom 25%, average 50%, top 25% and top 5%.
You can compare your team’s score* in team outcomes to an average overall team score* as well as specific average team scoes based on selected characteristic
e.g. team size or industry.
At the end you can find your team’s summary, so that you see all scores at one glance.
*Comparison is based on 98 teams from different sectors, with an average number of 5 members per team.
Team Characteristics Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Team summary
Team Characteristics Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Team summary
Each graph has five benchmark zones to help you navigate your comparison.
For example, the “very high” zone represents the top 5% benchmark scores. If your score is in this zone you belong to the top 5% teams.
Each factor has a different average benchmark value as well as different benchmark zones. That’s why the same score (e.g. 65) can lie withing the “average” zone in one factor but can be in the “high” zone for an other factor.
Each aggregated team score was transformed to value between 0 and 100 for better comparison of the scales. 0 indicated the lowest possible rating and 100 indicates the highest possible rating.
Focused communication refers to the extent to which communication regarding tasks, time or responsibilities of team members, is timely, accurate and results oriented. When focused communication cannot be taken for granted, it creates a major challenge for team communication.
Focused communication, together with knowledge sharing and spontaneous communication, can result in beneficial outcomes for your team and organization, especially when work is highly interdependent, uncertain and time constrained.
Knowledge sharing refers to the extent to which experience, knowledge, and relevant information necessary for team’s work tasks are proactively exchanged within the team. Knowledge sharing is seen as an important indicator for building high quality relationships in teams and for smooth teamwork.
Teams that share knowledge successfully have less need for planning, better cooperation, fewer conflicts and misunderstandings, and lower confusion.
Spontaneous communication refers to unplanned, informal interactions that spontaneously take place when meeting colleagues unexpectedly, for example at the coffee corner or in the hallway. Spontaneous communication facilitates the creation of shared context and decreases the probability of misunderstandings and conflicts in the team.
Lack of spontaneous communication increases the probability of misunderstandings and conflicts in the team and can hinder interpersonal bonds. This is especially highlighted in distributed teams or teams that do not have much face-to-face time.
N/A (yet)
N/A (yet)
Shared mental models refers to the common knowledge that team members have about the availability and use of remote work and how they need to interact for accomplishing their tasks. Research has shown that shared mental models improve team coordination and performance, because they allow team members to predict issues and more quickly decide upon an appropriate course of action.
Here are some suggestions what you, as a team leader, can do:
Team Characteristics Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Team summary
Team Characterictisc Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Each graph has five benchmark zones to help you navigate your comparison.
For example, the “very high” zone represents the top 5% benchmark scores. If your score is in this zone you belong to the top 5% teams.
Each factor has a different average benchmark value as well as different benchmark zones. That’s why the same score (e.g. 65) can lie withing the “average” zone in one factor but can be in the “high” zone for an other factor.
Each aggregated team score was transformed to value between 0 and 100 for better comparison of the scales. 0 indicated the lowest possible rating and 100 indicates the highest possible rating.
Team trust represents shared generalized perceptions of trust that team members have in their fellow teammates. Team members who trust each other are more likely to engage in productive interactions and teamwork processes that improve team performance.
Low team trust can be harmful for team cohesion and performance, and can lead to more misunderstandings and conflicts in team.
Team cohesion refers to the overall shared attraction or bond, as well as a sense of pride amongst members of the team. Team cohesion is an indicator of positive interpersonal dynamics within the team.
Teams with similar scores on cohesion:
Team engagement is the extent that your team feels strongly involved and fully concentrated in their work as well as willing to invest effort and persist regardless of the difficulties. Work engaged teams tend to be energetic and enthusiastic about their work, and experience a sense of meaning and security at work.
Team Characteristics Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Team summary
Team performance refers to the degree to which team members meet the expectations and requirements of their roles, cope with and respond to, changes that affect their roles as members of a team and engage in proactive, future-directed behaviors.
Collective efficacy refers to your teams’ beliefs about their capability to perform tasks successfully. It influences the levels of team well-being and performance and acts as an important buffer against job demands and stress. It is influenced by interdependent team processes, among which team interactions, information exchange and communication play a key role.
Outcome perceptions refers to the level of satisfaction with team members, satisfaction with the outcomes produced by the team, and perceived quality of team results.
Outcome perceptions refers to the level of satisfaction with team members, satisfaction with the outcomes produced by the team, and perceived quality of team results.
Team Characteristics Team Communication Team Relationships Team Outcomes
Team Summary
Effective teamwork allows teams to produce outcomes greater than the sum of individual members’ contributions and is driven by team processes. Moreover, teams that work flexibly face many challenges: increased needs for coordination and planning , ensuring communication and information sharing between the team members, facilitating team cohesion
The goal of teamorama assessment is to support teams in promoting the quality of communication and relationships among their members to support their performance and engagement. This is exactly where teamorama comes in as a unique and interactive assessment tool to minimize negative consequences for the teams and at the same time to support those points where it is necessary to identify potential for improvement and to exploit it optimally.